Please see the Kids’ Schedule or Adults’ Schedule page for current offerings.

Adult Beginner Ballet
Reconnect with your inner ballerina. We will explore this 300-year-old tradition with beginner level adult ballet and exercises for students ages 18 and up. The instructor will lead the class through a series of ballet warm-ups, exercise routines, simple dance combinations, as well as traditional classical ballet floor work. This ...

Ballet I & II: Ages 8-13
Ballet Level 1 (age 8-13) meets one time per week for 1 hour. Ballet Level 2 (age 10-13) meets twice a week for 1 hour. Children in this level begin more formal ballet technique with barre-work becoming part of their class syllabus. Starting in Level 1, students begin formal training in traditional ...

Pre-Ballet: Age 5 to 7
This program is a prelude to formal ballet instruction and introduces children to music and movement through a structured progression that stresses creativity and group interaction. An excellent and fun introduction to classical ballet and fine arts, the Pre-Ballet syllabus is introduced at a time when fine and gross motor ...

Tiny Tutus
Tiny Tutus is for ages 3-4 and open to children who have turned 3 by September 1 of the current year. Class meets one time per week for 30 minutes. Curriculum includes basic elements of ballet, including movements to help with strength, balance, and coordination. Basic locomotor patterns are also ...